Tuesday, November 25, 2008

by Jerry D. Smith

Every time a hand reaches out
To help another,
That is Christmas.
Every time someone puts anger aside
And strives for understanding,
That is Christmas.
Every time people forget their differences,
And realize their love for one another,
That is Christmas.
May this daily Christmas celebration
Bring us closer to the spirit of human understanding,Closer to the blessings of peace.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Life by Jerry D. Smith

Life can be compared to a book. The number of pages in a book depends on the number of events that need to be told. The number of days in a person's life depends on a preprogrammed biological or spiritual number of days given to each person.

A book is divided into chapters of major events. A Life is divided into chapters of major events. The most common chapters are birth, maturation, graduation, marriage, birth of one's children, divorce, should it occur, and death of one's contemporaries, prior generation, or simply one's own. Some people experience all of these during their life; some people do not. Some people have more chapters in their Life due to other major experiences or maladies, predestined, self-fulfilling, or unexpected; some do not.

Books mirror Life. Life is for the living. It is an excellent opportunity to learn love, faith, hope, charity, compassion, and forgiveness. If one does not learn these things during the course of Life, then understanding Life becomes more difficult.

A good book has transitions from one chapter to another. In other words, as one chapter ends, there are transitions into the next chapter with recapitulations of words and phrases to give the reader a sense of continuity from the past to the future. A good Life has transitions between chapters. These are commonly signals from the chapter whether we recognize them outright or not, or simply choose to deny or acknowledge their existence. Regardless, the chapter will end with or without our consent, and a new chapter will begin. Thus continues Life.

A book comes to termination or resolve. Life does likewise. A book may be shelved after reading and committed to memory. A Life may be transformed into another reality, and the deceased's Life will be committed to others' memories or forgotten in time.

Thus goes the circle of Life.

Jerry D. Smith

Paris at Las Vegas - July 2008